Weeping Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)

Weeping Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)

Bloom time: April – May

Additional photos:

General: Deciduous (drops its leaves in fall) weeping garden shrub that is a member of the olive family, grows to at least 1-3 m high. The bark is rough and grey-brown.

Leaves & Twigs:Leaves are opposite with smooth or toothed edges, and are 2-10 cm in length. The twigs are hollow with small bumps called lenticels (air exchange areas).

Flowers & Fruits

  • Yellow flowers appear in early spring before the leaves emerge.
  • Each flower has 4 petals joined at the base, each petal about 2cm long.

Habitat: Native to Asia, commonly planted as a garden shrub.

PlantWatch Pointers: Ensure that the Forsythia that you’re watching is the Weeping form. Choose a shrub that is at least 10m away from a building.

To Observe:

  • First bloom: When the first flowers are open on the observed shrub in 3 places.
  • Mid bloom: When approximately half (50%) of the flowers on the plant under observation are now open, and the other half are still unopened buds.
  • Leaf out: When the first leaves are completely unfolded on the shrub in 3 places.

Distribution Map:

Distribution Map

This species is monitored in:

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Quebec

Considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Root, leaves, flowers and fruit are used as a medicinal. Its uses include; as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and diuretic, and as a stimulant for the nervous system, heart, and gall bladder.