Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)

Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)
Also known as: white trillium


Bloom time: April – May

Additional photos:

General: Woodland plant, 10-40 cm tall.

Leaves & Twigs: Woodland plant, 10-40 cm tall.

Flowers & Fruits

  • Three distinctive white petals form a single white flower up to 10 cm across.
  • Flowers fade over time to a dull pinkish purple shade, and become slightly transparent.
  • The greenish, round fruit forms a six-sided, berry-like capsule.

Habitat: Trilliums are found in rich, moist, well-drained woods and wet areas at low to mid-elevations. They prefer semi-shade, and are often found under sugar maple and beech trees in open forests.

PlantWatch Pointers: If possible, select a patch of trilliums next to a trail so that you can make observations without stepping on growing plants. If these plants are very abundant, mark a section 1 metre square.

To Observe:

  • First bloom: when the first flowers are open in the observed plants.
  • Mid bloom: when 50% of the flowers are open in the observed plants, but have not yet started turning pink.

Distribution Map:

Distribution Map

This species is monitored in:

  • Ontario
  • Quebec

The name trillium means “in threes”, which refers to the fact that leaves, petals and sepals appear in triplicate.