Milkweed Watch is mobile friendly and easy to use. It’s designed to allow you to submit milkweed observations

Before you start: Create a Milkweed Watch identity using your e-mail address and select a simple password that’s easy for you to remember. We do not collect personal information from users; your e- ail address is simply used to identify you as an observer. If you forget your password, contact us and we’ll happily reset it.

If you see a plant you believe to be milkweed, please do the following:

Click on the link Identifying Milkweed

Choose your province from the dropdown menu

Review the photos and descriptions of the milkweed species common to your province.

Once you have identified the species you’ve observed, go to the ‘Submit Observation’ menu. You can also skip directly to that menu if you know your milkweeds.

On the submit observation page, select the MilkweedWatch program

Enter your location. If you are using your mobile device and you are standing near the milkweed plants, choose ‘Use current location’ and your phone will pin your location to our online map. If you’re entering your observation after you get home, select “Add a new location” and pin the location of the milkweed to the map.

Answer the questions that follow, using the drop down menus.

If you would like to add a photo and/or text comments please do so.

Click ‘Submit observation’ and you’re done!

You can see where other milkweed observations have been made by clicking on the View Results menu item.

Click here to go to the Submit Observation page.